After a several months of very hard work I am very proud to finally show our new Web site to the world!
The underlying idea and design is to make it as easy as possible for everyone to quickly find the products they are looking for. To that point there are a number of navigation options: The category menu on the left side quickly allows one to dive into a category or sub-category. The “Shop” menu at the top will bring you to the overall shop page that contains all our products (showing 30 at a time). Lastly there are two search options as well; the top (main) menu has a search option that will look at every page on the Web site, while the left search bar will only search products. Once products are showing you will see a list of product attributes on the left side to quickly narrow the list down to what you need.
As with many things, the easier they are to use, the harder it was to make them, and this site very much was like that. Many hours were spent getting specific functionality ‘just right’ even though it will likely go unnoticed by you, the user. Still, I hope that you will get the overall idea that this site is easy to get around on.
While the site is now “live” it is by no means done. We are still working hard to add more products (we actually carry several thousand more products), and we will add more information for all the listed products. In the works is a “documents” tab that shows relevant PDF documents such as manuals and spec sheets, as well as useful link.
Do not forget to check out our “Learning” section. It carries all the articles of the old Web site and over time we will be adding more content there as well. In particular about solar energy systems and off-grid systems.
I hope to regularly post via this blog, less about our great new Web site, and more about renewable energy. Whatever is timely and topical, and hopefully interesting to read for you. So check back often.
Hope you like it!
Rob Beckers