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Enphase EPLC-01, Envoy Gateway Power-Line Ethernet Bridge (Qty. 2)
Clearance: Enphase ET-CLIP, cable guide clips, needed to fasten Enphase Engage cabling to racking or secure looped cabling (each)
Enphase IQ8A-72-2-US, IQ 8A, micro-inverter, 349W, for 60- and 72-cell modules, MC4 connectors
Enphase IQ8PLUS-72-2-US, IQ 8+ micro-inverter, 290W, for 60- and 72-cell modules, MC4 connectors
Enphase 12 AWG Q Cable, 1.3-2.3m (4.2-7.5ft), for 60- and 72-cell modules in portrait or landscape
Enphase Q-DISC-10, Q Cable disconnect tool
Enphase Q-SEAL-10, Q Cable sealing cap, one needed to cover each unused connector on the cabling
Enphase Q-TERM-10, Q Cable termination cap, one needed for each unused cable end
Enphase X-IQ-AM1-240-3, 4-string AC Combiner with IQ Envoy, 80A, 240V AC split-phase